Palliative Care vs. Hospice 

What's the difference between palliative and hospice care?

Hospice Care begins after treatment of the disease is stopped and when it is clear that the person is not going to survive the illness. Palliative care begins from the time of diagnosis of a life-threatening or life-limiting illness, and can be provided concurrently with life-extending or curative efforts that are disease-directed.

  • Palliative Care: The patient has a life-threatening or life-limiting illness and the patient continues to pursue medical treatment options that are disease-directed.

  • Hospice Care: begins after treatment of the disease is stopped and when it is clear that the person is not going to survive the illness


Noah’s Children provides family-centered compassionate programs that promote dignity and quality of life. We work closely with you and your child to understand your primary concerns, needs, fears, wishes and hopes. Together, we’ll determine how to best help your child and your family.

The Noah’s Children team provides for the needs of your child and family, so you can focus on making sure your time together is as rich and meaningful as possible.


It’s about living life to the fullest – the fullest and most comfortable life your child has in his or her remaining time. It’s not about adding time to your child’s life, but rather about adding life to your child’s time.
— Dr. Bob Archuleta, Founder, Noah’s Children