About Us
Noah’s Children is a program of Bon Secours and Central Virginia’s only pediatric palliative and hospice care organization.
Our holistic, compassionate approach encompasses the needs of infants and children, up to age 18, diagnosed with a life-threatening or life limiting illness. We provide for the physical, emotional, social, and spiritual needs of our patients and their families. Pediatricians, neonatal, and pediatric care units from all major health systems in Central Virginia refer patients to us.
Bon Secours Richmond Health System
Hospital Corporation of America (HCA)
Southside Regional Medical Center
Virginia Commonwealth University (MCV)
At this time, we are able to care for all children who need palliative care without charging, thanks in part to donor support and the support of the Bon Secours Richmond Health System, which pays for our administrative costs. Noah's Children offers patients and their families:
Specialized care. Our interdisciplinary team of physicians, nurses, social workers, spiritual-care givers, and volunteers work together to create a comprehensive plan of care. We provide palliative care to families who are still seeking curative treatments as well as those who need comfort care and symptom management.
Time together. We provide physical, emotional, social and spiritual care to families who have a child with a life-threatening condition. We give comfort by helping families make the most of their time together. Our staff understands that end-of-life decisions can be incredibly overwhelming, deeply emotional and filled with uncertainty.
Community support. We began as a kids-helping-kids project. Today, it is sustained by the creative energy of children, the compassionate care of volunteers, the generous contributions of our donors and the partnerships we have with organizations throughout the community. Partner with the organization – give or volunteer – and provide a bridge to needed services not always covered by insurance.
24/7 Support-Families in crisis need someone objective they can call to ask questions, offer advice or just listen. Our compassionate staff provides an unbiased ear that will support whatever decisions the family makes – without judgment. We are available to answer questions or concerns 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please call (804).287.7686 for assistance.
Travel through the timeline and view the full history of Noah’s Children.
View the videos of the families served and read testimonials from families, providers, and community leaders.